Free Earth Orchestra

Come one! Come all!

Come together with glistening exctasy

Miracles held within the nearly intangible surface tension of water,

the source of life

Ballooning crescendos of passion reworked by masters of fashion into a feeding frenzy on the abyss of landfill earth.

Christen christ’s crucification

While cramming criminally insane patterns of consumption into the circular maw of the cries for meaning in the muddled masses

Borrow the childs future for the illusion of the present. Bury their future in the emotional waste of stunted human potential



Sell someone something they don’t need.

Convince the childs parents to give them a landfill of dirty diapers for Christmas.


Legends of marketing!

Convince us we are not whole and we want wantonly for wishes made on the looms of imaginary self worth. Leavening loaves for the masses with delicious deception.



Sell salacious salads of psychological vulnerabilities!!!!!

Dress to kill

The future!


Sing with the silence of free will.

Fulfill your weird.

Play pertinent parts of the free Earth.

Orchestra Play!

Resonate without remorse

Scintillate sillily serendipitous significance to the unyeilding vastness of infinity.

Free Orchestra Earth

Flow from within feckless flashes of desire filled passion




Play the instrument you are

Play it the way only you can play it.

Follow your weird and allow harmony to sing within

To sing through

To sing you


Free Orchestra Earth to be

Orchestra Earth.

Billions of parts played in harmony.

Reward behavior that benefits us. Recognize Reaper remains no body's enemy. The song of grief sings eternal and sells no widgets.

Buy your way free


Sing little birdie.

Dance, carpenter dance



The weirdness writes the weave

And weft within

The well of songs known as

The Free Earth Orchestra.

Dirty Intel


Jay DavisComment