I guess It's time for Crotch Vomit

I had the opportunity to live on Worthington St. in Pittsfield, Massachusetts during what I like to refer to as the aughts. Being the incredibly splendiforous being that I am, your protagonist stumbled into an incredible pool of talent and awareness while they were being spun into the web of being that you all know as Dirty Intel. The imp of the perverse, prevalent as always, provided prompt proliferation of alliteration and all the bells and beautific musical swells concurrent within whimsical whistles. My skull, being quietly fucked, reverberated.


I moaned

Pussy Booger

I declared

And, there in the ashes of the art of the ages,

Was born

A booger from the universal vagina

The goo

Of existence:


I vomit in your crotch and I fuck it!

I fuck it all night long.

I vomit in your crotch and I fuck it!

How could something so good be wrong?

I vomit in my crotch and you’ll suck it!

Suck my bile soaked dong.

I vomit in my crotch and you’ll suck it

How could something so good be wrong?




Damn good questions.

-Dirty Intel

Jay Davis1 Comment